I really feel like writing something about me and my muah.. Even though I'm kinda sleepy already.. I guess, this is one way of telling him how much i love him... I remember when we first met... I just moved on from another chapter of my life at that time. 'Told myself to just enjoy everything! Befriend anyone! ...So there comes Mike. We met "through common friend". (don't ask or else..that's what we want to call it) I can't forget that day.... Then after that, we started going out, then suddenly got to know each other. At first, I only treated him as a good friend, but as days passed by, I had a feeling that I started to miss him if a day goes by and we haven't got a chance to see each other. That's where it started... missing one another. Then, at a very common place called "McDo" somewhere in Alabang, it all happened. As in, just in a snap of a finger, we decided to give it a try ( relationship). I remember Mike looking so happy at that moment..(LOL! when he reads this, he'll surely deny everything!!)
Then, we celebrated our 1st month, 1st year... Of course we had misunderstanding and stuffs like that... (believe me, SOOO nonsense stuffs!) and I'm glad that we always fixed it up, making us more strongly bonded together. He's the kind of man that any girl would be proud of. He knows how to love without expectations. He's very supportive and so understanding that sometimes, when I started a "discussion", he just kept quiet and says nothing at all... He manages to help me in everything that we (2 boys) need. He's just simply.....one of a kind.... God really gave me the the gift that I've been hoping for... And I love him with all my heart....
***I miss you already muah..
muah, love you.. mwah mwahhhh
you are everything to me muah..
ngkamali pa q ng gamit na account, sa clickesl pa kya ke alex lee muah ung ng appear sa comment..hahaha!!!
well, this is one of many ways to show you howe much i love u...
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